Elizabeth Bailey Kinsman Selected to 2024-2025 OTLA Leadership Academy

We are pleased to announce that Stoll Berne attorney Elizabeth Bailey Kinsman is one of 10 attorneys selected for the 2024-2025 Oregon Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) Leadership Academy.

The application process for this unique academy is available to OTLA attorney members who have been practicing for 10 years or less. Selected members engage in hands-on leadership training that develops skills and techniques essential to successful leadership in their practice, the legal profession, and community at large. The Academy also includes observation at the legislature and appellate courts, designing and completing a service project, and invitations to social events with leaders of the bar, elected officials, and members of the judiciary.

Elizabeth is an associate in Stoll Berne’s litigation group where she focuses on complex litigation matters. She specializes in complex environmental matters, securities fraud, business litigation, and class actions. Elizabeth joined the firm in 2019 after clerking for the Honorable David W. Christel of the U.S. District Court, Western District of Washington in Tacoma.
