Margarita is a Litigation Paralegal supporting the attorneys in our litigation department. In this role, Margarita provides assistance in all phases of litigation. With over 10 years of paralegal experience in a variety of legal environments, she brings to Stoll Berne her extensive organizational and analytical skills, which she employs to carry out tasks such as: summarizing documents and depositions; preparing attorneys for depositions, hearings, arbitrations, and trials; and conducting background investigations, such as asset and litigation searches. She has a particular passion for e-Discovery and working in the firm’s e-Discovery platforms, which enable her to efficiently identify key and relevant documents for attorneys’ use in order to provide exceptional representation on our client’s behalf.

Margarita has notable trial experience, from preparatory tasks, such as researching historic jury verdict awards and the relevant court rules, to preparing exhibit and witness lists, jury instructions, and collaborating with attorneys to create dazzling demonstratives for the judge and jury. She looks forward to continuing to expand her skill set and knowledge base, particularly with regard to e-Discovery and Relativity.

Stoll Berne
Paralegal, 2018-present

Andrews Lagasse Branch + Bell, LLP
Paralegal, 2017-2018

Wolfenzon Rolle
Paralegal, 2014-2017

Novare Law Group
Paralegal/Office Administrator, 2013

U.S. Attorney’s Office
Paralegal Specialist, 2011-2013

Wilson Turner Kosmo
Junior Paralegal, 2011

Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
Paralegal, 2006-2011

International Professional School of Bodywork, Massage Therapy Certificate, 2015

San Diego Miramar College
A.A. Paralegal Studies, 2009
A.A. Social & Behavioral Studies, 2009

Conservatory of Recording Arts & Sciences, Master Recording Engineer, 2005


Margarita balances out her left-brain daily work activities with indulging some of her right-brain passions, such as holistic health and being a massage therapist. She also enjoys yoga, walking, snowboarding, and spending time with her husband Patrick and their pleasantly plump orange cat. Oh, and know that every time U2 has a concert within a 200-mile radius you will find her and Patrick in the pit, likely right in the front of Adam or Edge, and her voice will be gone the next day.

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