Kevin Flannery Introduces Washington Supreme Court Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud at Swearing-In Ceremony in Olympia

At a ceremony Monday at the Temple of Justice in Olympia, Stoll Berne attorney Kevin Flannery introduced Justice Sheryl Gordon McCloud immediately prior to her taking the oath of office and formally beginning her third and final six-year term on the Washington Supreme Court.  Justice Gordon McCloud first won election to the bench in 2012, and Flannery served as one of her law clerks—helping her draft majority decisions, concurrences, and dissents—from 2018 to 2019.

While emphasizing Justice Gordon McCloud’s commitment to individual rights, Flannery highlighted his former boss’s respect for the democratic process.  “Justice Gordon McCloud bears witness to Washingtonians’ civic engagement as exercises of their constitutional rights to assemble, to speak, and to protest,”  Flannery told the crowd of judges, elected officials, fellow attorneys, and families and friends.  “And from that civic engagement,” he continued, “our law is ultimately built.” 

At the ceremony, Justice Debra Stephens was also sworn in as the court’s chief justice, while Justice Steven González and Justice Salvador Mungia took the oath of office and formally began their own six-year terms on the court.  The entire ceremony may be viewed on TVW online at


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