The State of Oregon, by and through Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, filed a lawsuit on May 31, 2023, for injuries to the State of Oregon’s lands, waters, wildlife, and other natural resources; property; residents; and consumers against nearly two dozen defendants for the use of toxic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in firefighting foam.
The suit alleges that the defendants, over decades, have known of the dangers of these chemicals and chose not to take steps to reduce the risks. The lawsuit alleges they continued to manufacture and distribute PFAS to the State of Oregon’s governmental entities, counties, municipalities, local fire departments, businesses, entities, and residents that caused harm to Oregon’s land, waters, fish and wildlife. Together with the Department of Justice, Stoll Berne Special Assistant Attorneys General (SAAGs) Keith Ketterling, Lydia Anderson-Dana, Elizabeth Bailey Kinsman, and Maddie Holmes along with Sher Edling LLP, Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP, and Kelley Drye & Warren LLP and will represent the State in the litigation.
“Oregon’s commitment to protecting its citizens, rivers and wildlife has been remarkable under Attorney General Rosenblum,” states Keith Ketterling. “Just as we held Monsanto accountable for PCB contamination in Oregon in an unprecedented almost $700 million settlement, we aim to hold PFAS manufacturers and distributors similarly accountable.” Stoll Berne partner Lydia Anderson-Dana noted that, “Our firm has had a unique relationship with Oregon in serving as SAAGs and representing the State. It is an honor and a responsibility that Stoll Berne values highly and takes seriously.”
The announcement of General Rosenblum can be found here. A copy of the filed complaint can be found here.