Twenty five different amicus briefs were filed in the AT&T Mobility v. Concepcion case. As mentioned earlier in this blog, the Concepcion case presents the issue of whether states retain authority to apply general principles of contract interpretation to class action waivers found in arbitration agreements.
Fourteen briefs were filed in support of the consumer’s position, including briefs from the American Antitrust Institute, American Association of Justice, National Academy of Arbitrators, four different groups of professors, the states of Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, Tennessee, Vermont, and the District of Columbia, as well as several public interest organizations.
Eleven briefs were filed in support of the corporation’s position, including briefs from the American Banker’s Association, the Chamber of Commerce, Comcast, the Wireless Industry, the Voice of the Defense Bar and the states of South Carolina and Utah.
You can see the briefs at